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Level probes kit
Element: Suitable for the Cascade, Clipper, Kudos, Quantum-e and Quest range of boilers.>
Body lid gasket for: Quantum / Quantum-e / Cascade / Contour / Kudos / Kudos3,Kudos 3,6,9 duel flow / Clipper 15L range>…
Body lid Grommet>
Draw off tap body for the Eclipse (counter-top models) Cascade (all models) and Compact range of boilers. Includes tank …
Level probes kit>
Light PCB for the Cascade range,Contour, Kudos and Kudos3 range of boilers.
Manual reset thermal cutout>
Plastic moulded facia kit
Printed circuit board Inc Triac for: Cascade / Clipper / Compact /Contour range of boilers. Please note very early Clipp…
Out of stock
Replacement thermistor kit for various models of boiler
Single pole on/off switch>
Solenoid valve for: Cascade / Quantum / Quantum-e / Contour & LB10GF range of water boilers>
Tap cup washer
Tap spring>
Tap top assembly (Black) for Calomax range of water boilers.
Universal top body gasket (silicone), for use on all Calomax water boiler (excluding the Eclipse range and Push button m…
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